Energy Medicine Treatments, Testing, and Plans
Bio-Energetic Testing and Treatment for Regeneration
Bio-Energetic or Electrodermal Testing is for anyone that wants to know what there body needs. It’s a fusion of modern technology and ancient practices of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The combination allows us to determine which nutritional supplements are right for each individual. The machine determines which illnesses we are susceptible to by measuring the energetic frequencies of our meridians; because viruses and bacteria, and environmental toxins operate on their own unique frequencies, how they interact with frequencies of the individual allow the practitioner to pinpoint which nutritional supplements will counteract the frequencies causing our illness to create balance within the body.
Metabolic Typing
Your nutritional status will be evaluated, with nutritional recommendations from our highly trained staff. This includes an assessment of all dietary needs as well as vitamins and supplements. You will be given individual diet and lifestyle advice based on your personal health and fitness goals.
Hormone Analysis
Your hormonal status will be assessed to determine what deficiencies are present and need to be treated to achieve proper hormonal balance. This is conducted through an evaluation of prior lab work, and an evaluation of bio-energetic testing procedures. Treatment may include nutritional supplements and Chinese herbs to balance your hormones. Under certain circumstances, a lab referral may be necessary for appropriate hormone blood tests.
Adrenal Analysis
Your adrenal gland function will be assessed and treatment instituted. You will be evaluated for adrenal exhaustion, which must be resolved to successfully attain hormonal balance.
The adrenals are referred to as your stress hormone. When your adrenals are challenged you may have chronic fatigue syndrome, wake up during sleep, suffer form anxiety and stress, and generally feel overwhelmed by simple tasks in life. The good news it’s treatable and is there is a non-drug solution.
Personalized Treatment Plan
Following your diagnostic evaluation, Dr. Zoll will create a personalized treatment plan. Treatment plans are designed according to the status of your current biochemical and Bio-Energetic health, and your personal health goals. Your personalized treatment plan will include the following therapies:
A state of the art detoxification and drainage program to gently eliminate toxins using natural healing methods; herbs, homeopathy, supplements, and Chinese medicine, you will be provided with a set of remedies prescribed by Dr. Zoll to optimize your health and create balance within your body.
Dr. Zoll is recognized as a world renowned “Energy Doctor,” and specialist in Bio-Energetic Medicine. He is an internationally known author and speaker. His book The Bridge Between Acupuncture and Bio-Energetic Medicine is printed in English, German and Italian.
Acknowledgments: To find out more about Dr. Michael Galitzer go to his website: www.drgalitzer and look for his new book.